Victoria Cheung, PhD

Data Scientist | Computational Biologist



* denotes equal contribution


Herault, A., Mak, J., de la Cruz-Chuh, J., Dillon, MA., Ellerman, D., Go, M., Cosino, E., Clark, R., Carson, E., Yeung, S., Pichery, M., Gador, M., Chiang, EY., Wu, J., Liang, Y., Modrusan, Z., Gampa, G., Sudhamsu, J., Kemball, CC., Cheung, V., Nguyen, TTT., Seshasayee, D., Piskol, R., Totpal, K., Yu, SF., Lee, G., Kozak, KR., Spiess, C., Walsh, KB, “NKG2D-bispecific enhances NK and CD8+ T cell antitumor immunity.” Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 73.10 (2024): 1-16.

Tang, AD.* , Gupte, R.* , Cheung, V.* , Qing, T. * , Cauwels, A., Leff, E., Walter, K., Tabari, E., Lovejoy, A., Lin, CHJ. “Noninvasive longitudinal monitoring of residual disease in chemotherapy-treated colorectal cancer patients.” Cancer Research 84(6): 6258.

Leff, E.* , Tseng, A.* , Cheung, V., Tabari, E., Walter, K., Lovejoy, A., Lin, CHJ. “Inference of gene expression using fragmentation patterns from targeted high-depth sequencing of cell-free DNA.” Cancer Research, 84(6_Supplement), 2024, 4788.


Vallania, F.* , Cheung, V.* , Tripathi, A., Louie, M., Snyder, T., Lin, CHJ., Havenith, K., Qin, Y., Pantano, S., Wuerthner, J., van Berkel P.H.; “Discovery of plasma protein biomarkers associated with overall survival in R/R DLBCL patients treated with loncastuximab tesirine.” Cancer Res 1 April 2023; 83 (7_Supplement): 5387.


Vallania, F., Cheung, V., Zamba, MD., Liu, J., Pasupathy, A., Donnella, H., Bailey, M., Louie, M., Lin, CHJ., Havenith, K., Qin, Y., Pantano, S., Wuerthner, J., van Berkel, PH.; “Identification of Predictive Biomarkers for Response of R/R DLBCL Patients Treated with Loncastuximab Tesirine Using Low Pass Whole-Genome Sequencing (WGS).” Blood 2022; 140 (Supplement 1): 3551–3552.

Cheung, V., Chung, P., and Feinberg, EH. (2022) “Transcriptional profiling of mouse projection neurons with VECTORseq” STAR Protocols, 3(3):101625


Cheung, V., Chung, P., Bjorni, M.* , Shvareva, VA.* , Lopez, YC., and Feinberg, EH. (2021) “Virally Encoded Connectivity Transgenic Overlay RNA sequencing (VECTORseq) defines projection neurons involved in sensorimotor integration.” Cell Reports, 37(12):110131


Cheung, V.Predicting Acute Kidney Injury in Hospitalized Patients Using Machine Learning” Towards Data Science. Medium, 20 Jun. 2020. Web.


Cheung, V., Mullins, O., Nguyen, P., Huberman, AD. “Extreme binocular plasticity and dynamic strategy implementation supports vision-dependent prey capture in cuttlefish.” Proceedings of the SACNAS National Conference, 2014, p. 1159.