Victoria Cheung, PhD

Computational Biologist | Health Data Scientist


(UCSF) University of California, San Francisco, Ph.D. Genetics; concentration in Neuroscience

(UCSD) University of California, San Diego, B.S. Microbiology; minor: Chinese Studies

Additional Courses

Genentech L.E.A.D Discovery Program, Certification. Supply Chain Management

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Vision: Linking Circuits, Perception, and Behavior


APR 2022 - Present Freenome
Computational Biologist

Technologies used:

SEP 2021 - APR 2022 Genentech
Oncology Bioinformatics & Molecular Oncology PhD Intern

Technologies used:

JUL 2016 - SEP 2021 Evan Feinberg Lab @ UCSF
Graduate Resarcher in Single-cell Omics, Systems Neuroscience
Project 1
Developed a multiplexed, high-throughput, single-cell sequencing method for neurons that preserve connectivity information in addition to obtaining molecular identity (VECTORseq). Git Repo here.

Technologies used:

Project 2
Designed an audition-based behavioral paradigm to study sensorimotor integration in the context of mice.

Technologies used:

MAY 2020 - JUL 2020 Insight Data Science @Silicon Valley
Health Data Science Fellow

Developed a predictive clinical calculator to assess Acute Kidney Injury in hospitalized patients, which would result in better management, care/medication dosing, injury prevention, and reduced hospital length of stay, thus freeing up occupied resources and minimizing financial costs to both patient and hospital.

Technologies used:


2013-2018 Genentech
[Genentech] Discovery Program L.E.A.D Supply Chain

APR 2016 - JUN 2016 Guo Huang Lab @ UCSF
Graduate Researcher–rotation
Area of Research: Regenerative Potential of Cardiomyocytes

SEP 2015 - DEC 2015 Dengke Ma Lab @ UCSF
Graduate Researcher–rotation
Area of Research: Homeostatic Response to Extreme Abiotic Factors

SEP 2012 - JUL 2015 Andrew D. Huberman Lab @ UCSD
Reasearch Fellowship: UCLEADS & STARS
Area of Research: Binocular Plasticity & Dynamic Strategy Implementation in Cuttlefish

JUN 2014 - SEP 2014 David R. Copenhagen Lab @ UCSF
Research Fellowship: UCSF SRTP
Area of Research: Effects of Light Dependent Ca2+ Signaling during retinal development

Mentorship & Diversity

JUN 2026 - SEP 2021 Mentor for Undergraduates

JUN 2019 - AUG 2019 UCSF SRTP
Student Advisor, Developed curriculum for and taught curriculum to teach rising junior and senior undergraduates on:

  1. how to become a strong graduate school applicant
  2. how to create compelling posters and presentations
  3. how to write personal statements
  4. how to read and dissect scientific papers.

JAN 2016 - JUN 2016 UCSF Science and Health Education Partnership
Student Teacher,

MAR 2013 - JUN 2015 UCSD
UC Leadership Through Advanced Degrees Scholar (UCLEADS), “Mentorship program for underprivileged and socioeconomically disadvantaged undergraduates for success in graduate school to later assume positions of leadership in industry, government, public service, and academia following completion of a doctoral STEM degree”


* denotes equal contribution

Vallania, F. *, Cheung, V. *, Tripathi, A., Louie, M., Snyder, T., Lin, J., Havenith, K., Qin, Y., Pantano, S., Wuerthner, J., van Berkel P.H.; (2023) Discovery of plasma protein biomarkers associated with overall survival in R/R DLBCL patients treated with loncastuximab tesirine. Cancer Res 1 April 2023; 83 (7_Supplement): 5387.

Vallania, F., Cheung, V., Zamba, MD., Liu, J., Pasupathy, A., Donnella, H., Bailey, M., Louie, M., Lin, J., Havenith, K., Qin, Y., Pantano, S., Wuerthner, J., van Berkel, PH.; Identification of Predictive Biomarkers for Response of R/R DLBCL Patients Treated with Loncastuximab Tesirine Using Low Pass Whole-Genome Sequencing (WGS). Blood 2022; 140 (Supplement 1): 3551–3552. doi:

Cheung, V., Chung, P., and Feinberg, E.H. (2022) Transcriptional profiling of mouse projection neurons with VECTORseq STAR Protocols, 3(3):101625

Cheung, V., Chung, P., Bjorni, M., Shvareva, V.A., Lopez, Y.C., and Feinberg, E.H. (2021) Virally Encoded Connectivity Transgenic Overlay RNA sequencing (VECTORseq) defines projection neurons involved in sensorimotor integration. Cell Reports, 37(12):110131

Cheung, V.Predicting Acute Kidney Injury in Hospitalized Patients Using Machine Learning” Towards Data Science. Medium, 20 Jun. 2020. Web.

Conferences & Talks


2023 American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) | Presenter

2022 American Society of Hematology (ASH) | Presenter

2021 UCSF S.O.L.V.E. Health Tech: Digital Health Equity Summit | Attendee

2021 COSYNE (computational and systems neuroscience) | Attendee

2018 UCSF Tetrad | Presenter, 15 min talk

2017 SFN Annual Conference | Attendee

2017 UCSF Tetrad | Presenter, poster presentation

2016 UC LEADs Research Symposium | Attendee

2015 UC LEADs Research Symposium | Presenter, poster presentation

2014 SFN Annual Conference | Presenter, poster presentation

2014 UCSF Summer Research Training Program Symposium | Presenter, poster presentation + 15 min talk

2014 UCSD Academic Enrichment Program | Presenter, poster presentation

2014 SACNAS National Conference | Presenter, poster presentation

2014 UCLEADs Annual Research Symposium | Presenter, poster presentation

2013 UCSD Academic Enrichment Program | Presenter, poster presentation

2013 SACNAS National Conference | Presenter, poster presentation

2013 UCSD STARS Summer Research Conference | Presenter, 15 min talk

Diversity & Outreach

2022 SRTP Co-Curriculum: What Can You Do With a PhD? | Panelist (1hr)

2019 Northern California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education | Panelist (1hr)

2018 Northern California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education | Panelist (1hr)

Honors & Awards

2022 UCSF Diversity Graduation, Graduate Division Speaker

2017 Helmsley Scholar

2015 UC LEADs Symposium Presentation Award

2014 SACNAS National Research Conference Travel Scholarship

2013 UCSD STARS Scholarly Presentation Award

2013 SACNAS National Research Conference Travel Scholarship

2013 UCSD Provost Honors

2012 UCSD Provost Honors

2012 Kaiser Permanente Valuable Volunteer Award

2011 UCSD Provost Honors

2011 Kaiser Permanente Student Achievement Award

Media Features

2019 UCSF Poster, First Generation to College

2019 UCSF Article, Students Who Are First in Their Family to Attend College Share Stories, Experiences

— Last updated: Jan 28, 2024